In the last couple of years real estate investment has taken a huge beating. With the markets crashing in most parts of the US and in some parts of the UK, the general mood is grim, as far as real estate is concerned. In almost all parts of the world, home sales have slowed to a snail's pace and value of properties has plunged like never before. The cause is not helped by climbing mortgage rates either.

A good majority of investors are therefore staying away from investing in real estate. Understandable, but a tad overcautious?

It would seem so.

The financial downturn has its benefits. For instance, if you are a buyer in this market, chances are you will make a handsome profit because it is a buyer's market out there. For one thing, rates have crashed. So, anyone making a buy today can be assured that they are buying when rates have bottomed out. Secondly, most sellers have come down from their high horses and are willing to sell if they get a genuine buyer with a reasonably good offer. Some are even ready to sell if they break even. So, if you have the money, there's no reason to hold yourself back.

But there are a number of things you need to remember before investing in real estate.

Real estate is not the stock market. You cannot expect to play it for short term profits. In the past, people have invested in property and flipped it for handsome profits. But that bubble has popped and it is anybody's guess when things will be as they were before. So, play in real estate only if you are in it for the long run.

The second rule in real estate investing is to always, always be prepared for the deal. Many people buy as a direct result of knee jerk reactions to all the bad news they hear. That's the natural thing to do when sources around you are pushing nothing but volatile pieces of news. But a wise investor needs to be objective and dispassionate in their decision.

The best way to achieve objectivity is to collect as much information as possible. Every investor needs a systematic and disciplined approach to the investment process and must act in keeping with a grand plan of events.

Another important thing to remember in real estate investing is to keep your risks proportionate to your ability to absorb these risks. Make an investment only when you are financially capable of it. For instance, a person who is accumulating assets can take higher risks than, say, a retiree.

For someone looking for an opportunity to invest in real estate, the sky is really the limit. As the economy picks up and growth begins to make itself felt once again, the wise can make huge profits. However, the bottom line is that investing in real estate is a huge risk. You can win only if you utilize and take advantage of superior research, planning and high quality financial planning.


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